History of UAFA

The Union of Augustinian Friars of Africa (UAFA) began as a result of the recommendation of the Constitutions of the Order of Saint Augustine: In those countries where several provinces are found or work, and in larger regions which have common concerns by reason of geography, language, needs or apostolate, a kind of union among the several communities of the Order existing there may be established under its own president (Const.#247).

This section of the Constitutions of the Order formed the background for the determination of the Ordinary General Chapter (C-10, 2001) which gave support to the establishment of Unions in various regions with special attention to the strengthening of the Augustinian presence and mission in Africa. The General Chapter affirmed: It is the responsibility of the community, the Christian community as a prophetic stance, to proclaim the Good News in Africa, a continent close to us because there Augustine founded his first religious communities. As our response to the signs of the times and as faithful heirs of Saint Augustine we choose to direct our hearts and energies towards Africa, contributing with our spiritual traditions to the evangelization of such a continent that is so much in need of the Good News.

The formation of a union for the African Augustinian circumscriptions was born in a group session within the intermediate general chapter which took place in Philippines 2010. Friars from different world regions of the Order were asked to meet and propose ways which Augustinians, in particular the regions, can collaborate better between themselves as one Augustinian family and not isolated units. Among the regions that met was the African region. This first regional meeting comprised of Fr.Hyacinth Kangyep (Prior Provincial of Nigeria), Fr.Martin Banga (Vicar of DRC), Fr. Kosmas Azenga (Delegate Superior of Tanzania) and Fr.Robert Karanja (Representative of the Delegate Superior of Kenya). This group of four representatives of the African region agreed that there was need to have a union similar to other regions in the Order.

This proposal was made in the chapter plenary and the chapter fathers supported it. It was left for the different African circumscriptions to make consultations with mother circumscriptions and make the formal application to Rome for the establishment of a new union. After the whole process of application was completed, the Prior General with the approval of the General Council established the “UNION OF AUGUSTINIAN FRIARS OF AFRICA“ through adecree dated 22nd September 2011. In his document, the Prior General mentioned that the Union includes: Province of Nigeria, Vicariate of Congo , Delegations of Tanzania and Kenya and the houses of Durban in South Africa and Annaba in Algeria.

The first meeting of UAFA took place in Nairobi Kenya from 1st to 2nd February 2012. In October 2012, during the Friary Council in Nairobi, the vision of promoting Augustinian cohesion beyond the boundaries of circumscriptions was advanced. Later in 2018, the members of UAFA met again in Nairobi, and since then several meetings have taken place with the achievement of great collaborations between the different circumscriptions in Africa.

At an executive meeting held on 6 October 2021, the Union approved statutes for her guidance, and after it was presented to the Prior General and theCuria it was approved for the guidance of the Union. At another executive council meeting held on 16 May 2022, an approval was given for the formation of commissions for the Union. These commissions include: education commission, spirituality commission, Justice and Peace commission, formation commission and finance commission.

Looking into the future to the Conference of UAFA coming up on from 11-16 March 2024 at the Vicariate of Tanzania, it is hoped that the Union would continue to fosterknowledge and closer collaboration among the Augustinian circumscriptions in Africa.


Purpose of UAFA

United Friars

The fostering of knowledge and closer collaboration among the Augustinian circumscriptions in Africa

Apostolic Growth

Conceiving and implementing apostolic works and human promotion in Africa

Fraternal Forum

Providing a forum for discussion of common concerns and problems and seeking solutions to these problems by fraternal cooperation

Aid & Support

Provision of mutual aid and support and sharing of resources in the fields of formation

Policy Promotion

Discussion of the Order's policies for Africa, and agreement on how to implement them

Order Expansion

Collaboration in establishing and spreading the presence the Order in Africa more widely

UAFA Secretariate And Commissions Executive Council of UAFA