• Years as a Full-Fledged
  • Community Houses of the
  • Brothers Affiliated to
    the Vicariate
  • History of The Vicariate of Tanzania

The first Augustinian assignment in Tanzania began on 3 November 1977 when Fr. Augustin Perez and Fr. Vitalino Malagon came for the first time to Tanzania. The two priests became in charge of St. Michael Parish of Mahanje in the Archdiocese of Songae in Ruvuma Region-Tanzania.

There was an official opening of the new community of St. Augustine Morogoro on 28.08.1996. This was the second community in Tanzania. It is a community in which the Tanzania. It is a community in which the Tanzanians are seeking admission to the Augustinian Order. They live, pray and study both philosophy and theology on the way to priesthood. The first prior of this community was Fr. Padro Rubio.

The opening of the second community marked the beginning of the Delegation. The first Delegate Superior of Tanzania was Teopdomiro Gonzalez olea from 1994-2008. The second Delegate Superior was Fr. Javier Antolin who is now the current prior Provincial of the province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus of the Philippines. The third Delegate Superior is Fr. Kosmas Asenga who is now completing his doctoral degree in Spain. The Fourth Delegate Superior is Fr. Thobias Amuka in the absence of Fr. Kosmas Asenga.

On 16 January 2001 Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, the archbishop of Dar es Salaam handed over to the Augustinians the care of the Parish of the immaculate Conception Mavurunza. This became the third community of the Order under the name “St. Monica” and its first Prior was Fr. Faustine Mlelwa.

All three Augustinian houses in Tanzania early in 2006 began building new and nigger churches to provide a better pastoral service to the people entrusted to their care. Among these, Morogoro initiated the building of a new Church in Kilakale, a sector under the pastoral care of our Formation house there.

The parish of Mavurunza stated the project of building the big churches of Temboni, Tagasta and St. Rita of Cascia which are now parishes. The parish of Temboni stated to develop the area of Nzasa, which is now a parish os St. Theresa of child Jesus, currently under the diocesan priests. The parish of St. Ambrose is now constructing the church in the outstation of St. Monica Matosa which is on the way to become parish.

By the invitation of Anthony Mayala, the Archbishop of Mwanza, the second biggest city of Tanzania nearlake victoria, the Augustinians in mid-2006 accepted a new parish of St. Augustine Mkolani. It is in the district of Nyegesi, and lies on the outskirts of Mwanza. Here the community of St. Alypius was born and this became the fourth community of the order in Tanzania. Aside from extending the pastoral fields in this manner, the idea is to build a novitiate house there sometime in the future.

The delegation has a big project of constructing the school of St. Augustine Tagaste. The school was opened on 6 January 201. It has already recruited the students and up to now they are in form three. Due to the opening of this school the order saw the need of establishing another community which has to take care of the school. The community is called the community of St . Augustine secondary school and it is a fifth community.

The sixth community is that which is taking care of the parish of St. Ambrose Tagaste. It is called St. Rita of Cascia Community and it was established in the same year in which the community of the school was established.

  • Community Houses of the
  • ARUSHA St. Thomas of Villanova Community
    P.O. Box 935 Corona-Njiro
  • ARUSHA St. Possidius House
    P. O. Box 3044 West Kilimanjaro
  • DAR ES SALAAM St. Monica - Mavurunza
    P. O. Box 79168, Dar Es Salaam
  • DAR ES SALAAM St. Augustine Secondary School Community
    P.O. Box 31644, Dar Es Salaam
  • DAR ES SALAAM Saint Augustine Community Temboni
    P. O. Box 12557, Dar Es Salaam
  • MAHANJE Augustinian Community
    P.O. Box 22 - Madaba
  • MWANZA Saint Alypius Community
    Parokia San Augustin Mkolani PO Box 4080, Nyegezi
Executive Council of the Vicariate

Vicariate of Tanzania

St Augustine, Pray For Us

DAR ES SALAAM / St. Monica - Mavurunza, P. O. Box 79168, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
FOUNDATION: 31.12.1975