• Years in the Charge of
  • Community Houses of the
  • Brothers Affiliated to
    the Mission
  • History of The South Africa Mission

In response to the persistent plea from the Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus, servingthe poor and the needy in KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa, Bishop Graham Rose of the Diocese of Dundee invited the Augustinian friars of the Province of Nigeria. At this point when the Provincial Very Rev Fr John OSA, accepted the invitation, it wasn't so obvious how historic this moment will prove to be in the coming years. But like every story with a great ending, it always begins in a simple way and in the most unlikely of places.

Rev. Sunday Ikpe, OSA and Rev Ikemerika Azubuike, OSA were appointed by the prior provincial to resume duty in this new mission. As they said "yes" to their superior, it wasn't obvious what awaited these friars in a new country, new culture, new language and most important of all, a new missionary challenge. But as true religious and missionaries, they were up for the new task ahead. On the 2013, they both touched down South Africa at OR Tambo International airport in the Gauteng Province and made their way to Durban Kwa Zulu Natal Province. Their destination was Pomeroy, a small village in the land locked interior of Kwa Zulu Natal, Msinga Municipality, surrounded by hills and mountains. A designated Augustinian Sister was there at Ushaka airport to welcome them into the country, and eventually drive them to their primary place of assignment, Sacred Heart Catholic Mission Pomeroy.

Fr's Sunday and Ikemerika, had no prior exposure to the most principal tools of mission; language, but their ready to learn attitude was just enough to surmount this initial challenge. Pomeroy, I will say by my rough estimation, is 98 % Zulu and Zulu speaking, except for the handful of Indians, coloureds and Ethiopian shop owners in the busy Commercial hub of Pomeroy.

Being a historically challenging terrain for mission, Pomeroy had not enjoyed the stability of a resident priest in a long while hance most of her outstations had closed. Though the small but beautiful built churches in these pastoral areas stood, the keys to their doors hung on the walls in the home of the nearest parishioner to the mission. AA good number of these Catholics had joined other African Christian denominations because they had not seen a priest for more than a while, thoufh the few who could make it to pomeroy occasionally, stayed Catholic.

These two hard working friars made it their first assignment of their mission to Pomeroy, to revive as many outstations as possible, with the hope of bringing back those who had left the Catholic faith. It did not matter how remote and in up the mountains these pastoral areas were located, they were determined to reopen the locks from the doors in the churches at Matshemasthe, Woza and Mngeni, they would travel up in the mountains of Msinga top to revive the churches in Nocomboshe and Gxobanyawa.

By the next mid chapter in the Province of Nigeria, which was barely a year into their mission, the friars reported the opening of 10 outstations.

In their primary place of assignment, the Sacred Heart Catholic Mission Pomeroy, the Augustinian friars enjoyed the massive co-operation of the locals, who were so excited to be part of this new revival with their new priests from far away Nigeria. Just next door to the Sacred Heart Mission, was the Augustinian Sisters Convent. They ran three major projects in Pomeroy; the only clinic in Pomeroy by name Noyi Bazi, the only computer school in the locality and a charity organization geared towards catering towards the needs of orphans and the less privileged. Umusa Manga was the name given to the NGO project, which was the brainchild of the Augustinian sisters of the Mercy of Jesus.

  • Community Houses of the
    79 Old Main Road, Kloof, 3640
    South Africa
Friars in Charge of the Mission

The South Africa Mission

St Augustine, Pray For Us

Our Lady of Mercy Parish, 79 Old Main Road, Kloof, 3640, South Africa